Do you ever just feel sort of like you are wandering around in circles, and although you know the general direction you'd like to go in, you keep having detours and roadblocks and eventually, you just feel lost?
We all have those days, where we've become so far removed from everything that we aren't sure what road we are on or even sometimes where in the world we are going.
These are the days when life isn't perfect.
You're mad. Or sad. Or somebody let you down, and hurt you in a way you never expected.
Sometimes the hardest thing to stomach is when you let yourself down.
You can't figure out how to get out of the funk created by a problem.
One thing is for sure: if you always have your eyes on the rear view mirror you're not going to be able to steer yourself in the right direction.
So get over it. Forgive them. Maybe, you need to forgive yourself.
It's okay to go on with life and be happy and stop feeling like a fish swimming around in a giant bowl.
Nobody, nobody, NOBODY, is infallible. There is no point in burying the hatchet if you're just going to put a marker over the site and keep going back to visit.
Even if you aren't sure how to move forward, do it anyway. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
Eventually one step becomes two and then three and then before you know it you're miles from where you started and feeling much better, much closer to home.
You do this just by first wanting to take the step, and then simply taking it. You do not need someone to lead you, or to stand behind you and push you all the way. You just need to make the move and go.
When I think about what feels like "home" to me, I think about my relationships with the people I love. And even when I'm in my house, if there is a problem between myself and any of those that I love, I still feel a spacial disconnect and feel like I'm not quite sure of the ground I am standing on.
I only feel better when the issue is resolved.
You might think I'm making this sound soooooo easy.
You might be thinking, "Yeah I can just 'get over it' and then everything will be better."
I'm not saying that there is a magic fix to the problems we face in life.
I'm saying that you have to be genuinely willing to be a part of the solution.
We can blame other people for a lot of things that happen to us in life,
but we can't blame them for how we react to anything.
I'm simply suggesting that the next time you feel lost, just try and take the first step in the right direction and see how it works out for you. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Follow you're heart and you'll never get lost.
thanks for this post. i really needed to today :)