1000 Words....The Worth of a Picture

We've all heard a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes you just need one word.

Sometimes two different people can look at a picture and each has a different word come to mind.

Sometimes, a word can cover more than one picture.

This is a mash up of words and pictures that are the essence of each other. Consider it a word/picture re-mix.

Monday, February 28, 2011


This morning, while fully frustrated that my two and a half year old son Landon did not share my affinity for the show "Disappeared" which is currently listed in my OnDemand selections, I reached for a Coca Cola, grateful for a fix. 
I realized that was a weird word to describe the need for something: fix. 
The word fix usually defines a solution to a problem. 
I am fully aware of the slang terminoligy involving drugs, but it's not like I'm addicted.   I think. 
I just needed a moment to enjoy something completely adult that was not considered healthy, child-friendly, or any character from Yo Gabba Gabba.  Since the television was now under his command for the day, I naturally sought refuge in the refrigerator, and fixed my mini Mommy meltdown of sorts. 
So I've now decided it can mean two things, remembering that just yesterday I had been so stressed out that The Hubs sent my looking for some anti-stress ointment if it existed, which I did actually find, wouldn't you believe, in the form of a pedicure.  It was glorious, and now so are my toes.  I feel so "non-mommy" with a little white flower painted on my big toe.  It's just one of those little things that reminds me that I'm still a "ME", even though sometimes the pieces of my world get tossed to the bottom of my purse and crushed by Gerber Arrowroot cookies, light up Toy Story shoes, and the knowledge that even though nobody else can see them, I have three Hot Wheels, a pacifier, and fruit snacks where my lip gloss used to be. 
Hence today's word: FIX. 

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