"I mused for a few moments on the question of which was worse, to lead a life so boring that you are easily enchanted, or a life so full of stimulus that you are easily bored." -Bill Bryson
Wanted: information leading to the full explanation of where the dates of June 6 through June 13 have gone, and why I have no recollection of them. Reward in the form of either a cup of coffee or if you prefer I can fully avoid you in order to prevent you from procuring this horrible head cold that seems to have infested everything in my house including the leftovers in the refrigerator.
I feel like I have these little spurts of days jammed packed with things to get done and places to go, and then spurts of nowhere to go but bed.
I'm sure during them both I complain of either my abundance of unwanted free time, or alternatively my lack thereof.
I'm trying to discover a way in which I can have both. I want a day where I'm doing nothing, meaning I do what I want to do and only what I want to do. I don't just sit at home cleaning, but I lolly-gag and pretend I don't have adult things to do or people to answer to. And so, I give you, my list of nothings I would do if I had 24 hours in which to do them. Realistically, most or none of them will ever happen without someone needing my assistance at the potty or help finding the other sock, but hey, a girl can dream.
Walk in the woods with my kids and show them what Mother Nature keeps in her purse.
See a minimum of three current movies, all in a row, without ever leaving the theater.
Grocery shop for more than two days at a time.
Read a book recommended by one of my high school English teachers, start to finish.
Watch as many episodes of Throwdown with Bobby Flay that I can find in my OnDemand selections.
Spend the whole day at the spa.
And, finally, I would take the most epic nap known to man.
Please don't misunderstand my intentions here. I love my family, and I love what I do every day. What I'm searching for is a balance that will probably never happen, between structured adult social life, career (even if it is part time), bed time stories, and finding a way to get those giggles I cherish in as many days as possible.
And I don't even need a whole day of nothing, just a mere fifteen minutes would be enough to refresh me for at least a week. Kind of funny, isn't it...I am racking my brain trying to figure out what all I did that had me so busy the past week and I got nothing. Just a blur. I need to figure out what nothings I want in my life: the ones I can't remember or the ones I'll never forget.
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