1000 Words....The Worth of a Picture

We've all heard a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes you just need one word.

Sometimes two different people can look at a picture and each has a different word come to mind.

Sometimes, a word can cover more than one picture.

This is a mash up of words and pictures that are the essence of each other. Consider it a word/picture re-mix.

Monday, May 2, 2011


So there's this country song, and the chorus goes like this:

If you going through Hell, keep on going.
Don't slow down, if you're scared don't show it.
You might get out 'fore the Devil even knows you're there.

I have a few friends that are "going through something."  (Hell can be defined in many ways based on who is describing it.  Personally, right now I'd say Hell would be having everything I need for a bologna sandwich but not a drop of ketchup.)  I've been thinking a lot about what it means to me to say someone is going through something and here's what I got:

If you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, you haven't quite gone far enough.  Don't quit.  Keep on going.  You don't say "I got through it" at the end of an ordeal because you sat there like a bump on a log just throwing yourself a pity party.

If you keep driving, paddling, walking, crawling, etc., you might not enjoy the journey you're stuck on but eventually you'll look up and see that you have indeed made it out purely due to determination not to stay.

Hanging around and wallowing in all the bad crap in our lives only gives time and ability for more crap to pile up.  Trust me....if you don't change a shitty diaper, the shit doesn't just go away.  More will eventually arrive and then all you have is well, more shit to deal with.

The happiest people I know are not the people who don't have any shit to deal with.  They are the people who simply decide they aren't going to let it stop them from enjoying the ride, which only allows them to get through it faster.

It really doesn't matter if we're talking bills, or relationship problems, or work issues or a blown tire.  As a matter of fact, if your tire blows and you just sit around bitching about it you're not going to fix the problem nor get yourself anywhere.  You have to take action, help yourself out a little, and get back to the journey.

One of my friends did just that recently.  She had a setback, and then decided that it didn't matter, and that a blown tire couldn't stop her from getting where she wanted to go.  She's closer now than ever and she learned that no matter what happens, if you just keep going, you'll get through it.

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