1000 Words....The Worth of a Picture

We've all heard a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes you just need one word.

Sometimes two different people can look at a picture and each has a different word come to mind.

Sometimes, a word can cover more than one picture.

This is a mash up of words and pictures that are the essence of each other. Consider it a word/picture re-mix.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Someone suggested the word "choice" to me, and to be honest, it's taken me a while to think this one through.
I give my son Landon choices everyday.  Cheese stick or apple.  Monster trucks or hockey gear.
Sometimes it's a snap decision, easy.
Sometimes, it's like the biggest decision of his life.

I realized he's sort of like me.
Some days, I fly by the seat of my pants
I once got a tattoo on my lunch hour. 
I just woke up that morning and decided to get a new one.  So I did it.  No turning back.  One of my best decisions to date.
Some days, I agonize over the right/correct/best choice for everything.  Which pants will look the best AND be comfortable?  Do I call the pediatrician, potentially wasting both of us time on an unnecessary office visit, or do I let it go a few days, potentially letting an infection worsen?  I literally debate with myself over the kind of toilet paper I buy every time I make that purchase. 
But when making choices, it's not so much the act of making a decision that matters.  It's the outcome. 
It's calling the doctor anyway, because "better safe than sorry."
It's knowing I can sleep well because I don't have to worry about that cough.
Not going would have literally kept me up all night...not only second guessing myself but listening just to make sure he's okay.
It's doing something that I can live with...whether it be letting Landon have ice cream for dinner or not calling someone back.  It's not about what's right/correct/best.  It's about me, living the rest of my life, knowing I did that and being comfortable with my choice. 
It's seeing myself at 80something, in my rocking chair, not thinking, "If only I'd......."
And it's only a wise choice if it's also something I can stick with.  No point in starting something I can't or won't finish.
Choices aren't about what's right. 
Choices aren't about what's correct.
Choices aren't about what's best.
Choices are about being true to yourself, and knowing you did what you needed to do, without caring what other people think, and sticking to it.
It doesn't matter if it takes you five minutes or five months to decide.  It doesn't matter who wants you to do what. 
Sometimes it doesn't even really matter what you choose-it's just the act of making the choice that you need to do.  (Do I have a brownie or a bowl of ice cream....kind of pointless.  I'd say both.)
Choices are about following your heart.
Choices are about what works for you, and your family.
Choices are about whatever doesn't keep you up all night, wishing you'd done the other thing.

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