Have you ever lost a piece to a puzzle? If you have, you're pretty much screwed.
You can try and cram a similar piece in, but you have to damage it and the surrounding pieces in the process. But hey, if you finish your puzzle then who cares, right?
Ummm, wrong.
Sometimes, there is just no right choice where others don't get hurt.
I'm guessing that you make choices every day. I do:
Boots or flats?
Coffee with cream and sugar or black?
Macaroni and cheese or Chunky Monkey ice cream for dinner?
In fact, everything we do every moment is a choice. It's not like things like showers or wearing socks or driving a car just happen to us. We choose to do them, for whatever reason.
And, I don't know a single person that gets out of bed in the morning and says, "I think I will try to make horrible decisions all day long."
But what about those times when the piece you need, the right choice, just simply isn't an option?
Say, for example, that you were offered a job promotion, but reluctant to take it because your good friend and co-worker wants it too and is just as qualified. How do you know what is the right choice?
Well, you don't, because the outcome sucks, no matter what choice you make.
It's not like you lied or cheated or stepped on anyone to get this promotion. Is it?
You are very capable of doing the job and could even go above and beyond. Couldn't you?
You've worked just as hard as your friend for just as long. Haven't you?
Who knows why your boss picked you. Maybe a customer gave you a great review or maybe she just liked your outfit today. Doesn't really matter WHY.
What matters is that you've earned it.
If they are really your friend they'll be happy for you.
So, no, you didn't walk into work that morning thinking, "I can't wait to screw my friend over today."
But it could have just as easily gone the other way. Unless you have some magical GPS in your brain that says, "for the right decision, turn down the promotion," just be grateful you were chosen.
There is always going to be a missing piece to the puzzle. It's very likely that at some point in your life someone will be hurt (whether intentionally or not) by a choice you've made.
But that doesn't mean you made the wrong choice.
It just means you made the choice right for you and not the right choice for everyone else,
and there is no shame in that.
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