1000 Words....The Worth of a Picture

We've all heard a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes you just need one word.

Sometimes two different people can look at a picture and each has a different word come to mind.

Sometimes, a word can cover more than one picture.

This is a mash up of words and pictures that are the essence of each other. Consider it a word/picture re-mix.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This morning was unusual in that I had to actually go outside of my house and leave my kids for the day so that I could go back to work at a local business in the accounting department.  Luckily for me, my cousin Leslie came here to watch my kids, which meant the only preparing I had today was to dress and feed myself.  On Tuesday nights, some friends come over for dinner and tv.
For some reason I started cleaning.  I do like to have it tidy when I'm having company, however Leslie, as well as the rest of my gang, has seen my house in the most disastrous of states.  Finally I convinced myself that it would be there when I returned home this afternoon.
When I arrived home after work, I completed what I had started that morning, including washing my dishes.  I love having clean dishes but completely despise the act of cleaning them.  This is a dilemma, in that there is nobody else who does them and I have no dish washer, so I am powerless to solve the situation.  I have resigned to the fact that I have no choice in the matter, and take great pride in an empty sink.  It doesn't happen often, however, because it's not an easy feat when there are people in my house who constantly like to eat.  When it does happen, it brings me joy.
After finishing the dishes, I began to prepare for dinner and another friend arrived for tv night-with a few more on the way.  I realize that true joy, the type of joy that is a state of being, rather than the result of an action or object, is an amazing thing.  True joy is there even when the dishes are dirty.

I also realized that I have this kind of joy....because I am lucky enough to have the kind of friends who come into my house knowing that it could be in any given state.  If there were caution tape, hazmat signs, and flashing lights, they'd still come to hang out with me, because they love me, and I love them right back.  Of course, they most likely enjoy themselves more when there isn't a half eaten peanut butter sandwich stuck to the couch cushions.  For now I'm just grateful for the time with them, and in just a few minutes we'll be laughing over dinner.

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